Nikola tesla biography completas
When was nikola tesla born and died
Though underappreciated in his own time, Tesla created hundreds of groundbreaking innovations that fundamentally advanced technology and changed the course .
How did nikola tesla die
This was the first full-length biography written on the genius inventor, Nikola Tesla.
Nikola tesla inventions
The Croatian-American inventor and electrical engineer Nikola Tesla () invented the induction motor and the transformer known as the Tesla coil and discovered the .
Nikola tesla interesting facts
Nikola Tesla rođen je 9./ srpnja u mjestu Smiljan kod Gospića, u današnjoj Hrvatskoj (tada dio Austrijskog Carstva).Tesla je bio srpskog [2] [5] podrijetla: njegov otac Milutin bio je pravoslavni svećenik, a njegova majka Georgina Mandić (zvana Đuka) bila je bez naobrazbe, ali vrlo inteligentna žena.